Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chapter 10: Shanghai Motor Show & 南京trip!

Hi guys,

This weekend was a whirlwind! It started on friday with us going to Shanghai Motor Show 2009 which is one of the largest Car Shows in Asia. What is there to see? Cars and Models, of course.
Thereafter, we went to eat at the highly popular 辛香汇 which we have to book 5 weeks in advance. The food was interesting and on the spicy side, the ambiance was great as well. Not to mention, its price is comfortable to our wallets.

The next day and today was spent in 南京 visiting historical places and recounting some events that help shaped China today. The notable places are 中山陵,明孝陵,总统府 and 南京大屠杀纪念馆.

Now the pictures shall elaborate further!

Left: Lamborghini! Right: Geely GT aka Geely Tiger...

Nissan GTR exposed!

Left: Audi R8, nice front view! Right: Citroen concept car and a great looking model!

This place is so popular that either you book tables 5 weeks in advance or queue 2~3 hours outside.

Ground level structure of 中山陵, mausoleum of 孙中山, one of the founding fathers of modern China.

明孝陵, the predicted mausoleum of 朱元璋, first emperor of Ming Dynasty.

This place has a long history and has been part of many events of China, from 明朝,朱元璋 to more recently 蒋介石's Office. Currently, the inside is much like Istana of Singapore.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chapter 9: Trip to 古漪园

Hi guys!
Last week, I met up with my relatives and mother in Shanghai for a short 1/2 day shopping trip before they return to Singapore after 1 week of travel. I took the renowned maglev train after sending them off at the airport. It was a wonderful experience as the train was blazing at a speed of 431km/h yet the journey was smooth as silk! Below is a picture of the train:

Also, the same weekend a few of us went 古漪园 which is in 南翔 area of Shanghai. The area is named after 白鹤南翔寺 which is built about 1500 years ago and is also famous for its 小龙包. 古漪园 take its name after 漪园 which means 绿竹漪漪 (Bamboo which are beautifully green).

Now lets check out the photos!

The famous 南翔 小龙包!

Flowers galore!

Left: 牡丹花!Right: All kinds of Bamboo that's green as Jade.

More flowers!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chapter 8.1: 黄山之旅 ~Reprise~

Hi guys!

Its me again celebrating the 2nd Month of stay in Shanghai. Before I start babbling about changes to myself in this 2 months, let me clear some backlog from the 黄山 trip. I'm so sure the pictures from the trip is worth way more than a wall of text on how I have changed!

Emotions aside, let the pictures do the talking.

First attraction visited, 花山谜窟. Beautiful hills from the outside but...

The hills are emptied out by ancestors! Its still a mystery where the rocks from the hills went and how were the hills emptied by ancestors using ancient tools. Not to mention a pillar named 'Optimus Prime' showed up within the cave. For all you know, Transformers did all these! (Ya right...)

Day 2, we visited 西递村. A village so well-hidden from the outside world that much of the hundred year old buildings and traditions are still available for the public.

Day 2 Afternoon: After going up 黄山 by cable car to save some stamina, we saw the winding path we need to climb, to reach our hotel... as you can see its all the way down and then...

I will not forget this 百步云梯 for awhile. Its 100 steps of vertically challenged steps which are about 1.5 times the normal steps you climb. As you ascend the steps, you see more and more people resting beside and then, there is this 80+ year old grandma trying her best to climb using all fours. She got all my respect! I ended up having thighs cramp on top of this flight of grueling stairs

Jumping for joy after we reach the top! (Though this is taken elsewhere but it describes my feelings after the climb!)

Day 3, 黄山 has a last gift for us before we head back to Shanghai, an absolutely wondrous Dawn. Please be reminded that this picture is taken by my camera and not a realistic painting!

Here I am, receiving the gift of 黄山 in awe of its magnificence and beauty. Thank you, mother nature.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Chapter 7: 黄山之旅!

Hi guys!
I just came back from a 3 days 黄山 trip with 4 other friends. It is a wonderous work of nature! It was formed during Pre-historic days due to Earth crust movements where tectonic plates come together. The mountains of rocks created are then weathered by millions of years of wind action to create the 黄山 we know today.
As it is very late and I need to work tomorrow, let the pictures speak for themselves and I will edit this post once I'm free.

At 光明顶 (not the same one from Jing Yong's Novels)

A small portion of what 黄山 looks like.

Scenic view no matter you are below or above 黄山.